Mind the gap: functional network connectivity interpolation between schizophrenia patients and controls using a variational autoencoder

Mind the gap: functional network connectivity interpolation between schizophrenia patients and controls using a variational autoencoder

Authors : Xinhui Li, Eloy Geenjaar, Zening Fu, Sergey Plis, Vince Calhoun

Publication date : 2022/7/11

Conference : 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC)

Pages : 1477-1480

Publisher : IEEE


Mental disorders such as schizophrenia have been challenging to characterize due in part to their heterogeneous presentation in individuals. Most studies have focused on identifying groups differences and have typically ignored the heterogeneous patterns within groups. Here we propose a novel approach based on a variational autoencoder (VAE) to interpolate static functional network connectivity (sFNC) across individuals, with group-specific patterns between schizophrenia patients and controls captured simultaneously. We then visualize the original sFNC in a 2D grid according to the samples in the VAE latent space. We observe a high correspondence between the generated and the original sFNC. The proposed framework facilitates data visualization and can potentially be applied to predict the stage that a subject falls within a disorder continuum as well as characterize individual heterogeneity within and …

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