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Sergey Plis
Assiociate Professor of CS at GSU

I received my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2007 from The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA. Currently, I am an associate professor of CS at Georgia State University, and the Director of Machine Learning core at the TReNDS institute. My research interests within the fields of machine learning, AI, and data science lie in developing novel and applying existing techniques and approaches to analyzing large scale datasets. One of my key goals is to take advantage of the strengths of multiple data modalities and infer structure and patterns that are hard to obtain non-invasively and/or that are unavailable for direct observation. Ongoing work is focused on inferring multimodal probabilistic and causal descriptions based on fusion of fast and slow imaging modalities. This includes feature estimation via deep learning-based pattern recognition and learning causal graphical models. Besides academia, I’ve led AI research teams developing deep tech AI products including NLP and speech processing solutions that are currently shipped to customers. My research is supported by generous grants from NSF and NIH.

My Experiences

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Affinity Design Limited
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The coders trust
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  • :2015 Jan - 2017 March
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My Approach

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My Skills

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisdf bicing elit. Quas offiscs cuque, harum dicta neces sitatrrthr thrth iujhs reprehenderit, delsectsus molesdtiae, impedit alias adipi thsci distinctio volusd ptas. Tempora modi amet volufy jnfyp tatlje provide nsdv sdvt solusfta consequatur. oresaam ipsum dolor sit amhet, consec dassetur facere tempore soluta Lorsgem ipsum shghu ugisdvg srgvsrgv vswrgv srgt lias adipi thsci distiio voslusd

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