The probability of that outcome as $\prob{p}{o_i}$
And its value as $\prob{v}{o_i}$
The expected value is nothing but
EV = \sum_i^K \prob{p}{o_i}\cdot\prob{v}{o_i}
Example: targeted marketing
A consumer buys the product for $\$200$ and our product- related costs are $\$100$.
To target the consumer with the offer, we also incur a cost. Let’s say that we mail some flashy marketing materials, and the overall cost including postage is $\$1$, yielding a value (profit) of $\prob{v}{o_R} = \$99$ if the consumer responds (buys the product).
Now, what about vNR, the value to us if the consumer does not respond? We still mailed the marketing materials, incurring a cost of $\$1$ or equivalently a benefit of $-\$1$.
ML models rarely return score that is the true probability
For example, we can use the distance from the decision boundary in all linear classifiers for ranking samples, but not as probability. Even when we're estimating the probability densities directly, we may not be able to get sufficiently representative training sample.
A classifier and confusion matrix
With a ranking classifier, a classifier plus a threshold produces a single confusion matrix.
How do we compare different rankings?
How do we choose a proper threshold?
Profit Curve
With a ranking classifier, we can produce a list of instances and their predicted scores, ranked by decreasing score, and then measure the expected profit that would result from choosing each successive cut-point in the list.
Profit Curve: example
Let's assume our profit margin is small
Profit Curve: example
Profit Curve on budget: example
problems with Profit Curves
Two critical conditions in profit calculation
The class priors
The costs and benefits
If both are known, profit curves may be a good choice to visualize classifier performance
In many domains these conditions are either unstable or uncertain
Ex: the amount of fraud changes from place to place and month to month
Ex: marketing campaigns have different budgets and offers may have different costs
A possible solution
Draw a profit curve per condition
Difficult to manage, to understand the implications of, and difficult to explain to a stakeholder