Advanced Machine Learning

13: Support Vector Machines


# date topic description
1 22-Aug-2022 Introduction
2 24-Aug-2022 Foundations of learning
3 29-Aug-2022 PAC learnability
4 31-Aug-2022 Linear algebra (recap) hw1 released
05-Sep-2022 Holiday
5 07-Sep-2022 Linear learning models
6 12-Sep-2022 Principal Component Analysis project ideas
7 14-Sep-2022 Curse of Dimensionality hw1 due
8 19-Sep-2022 Bayesian Decision Theory hw2 release
9 21-Sep-2022 Parameter estimation: MLE
10 26-Sep-2022 Parameter estimation: MAP & NBfinalize teams
11 28-Sep-2022 Logistic Regression
12 03-Oct-2022 Kernel Density Estimation
13 05-Oct-2022 Support Vector Machines hw3, hw2 due
10-Oct-2022 * Mid-point projects checkpoint *
12-Oct-2022 * Midterm: Semester Midpoint exam
14 17-Oct-2022 Matrix Factorization
15 19-Oct-2022 Stochastic Gradient Descent
# date topic description
16 24-Oct-2022 k-means clustering
17 26-Oct-2022 Expectation Maximization hw4, hw3 due
18 31-Oct-2022 Automatic Differentiation
19 02-Nov-2022 Nonlinear embedding approaches
20 07-Nov-2022 Model comparison I
21 09-Nov-2022 Model comparison II hw5, hw4 due
22 14-Nov-2022 Model Calibration
23 16-Nov-2022 Convolutional Neural Networks
21-Nov-2022 Fall break
23-Nov-2022 Fall break
24 28-Nov-2022 Word Embedding hw5 due
30-Nov-2022 Presentation and exam prep day
02-Dec-2022 * Project Final Presentations *
07-Dec-2022 * Project Final Presentations *
12-Dec-2022 * Final Exam *
15-Dec-2022 Grades due

Outline for the lecture

  • Max Margin Classifiers
  • Lagrange Duality
  • Dual Formulation of SVM
  • Support Vector Machines

Max Margin Classifiers

bayesian decision boundary

  • If $\prob{P}{\omega_1|\vec{x}} \gt \prob{P}{\omega_2|\vec{x}}$, decide $\omega_1$
  • If $\prob{P}{\omega_1|\vec{x}} \lt \prob{P}{\omega_2|\vec{x}}$, decide $\omega_2$
  • $\prob{P}{error|\vec{x}} = \min[\prob{P}{\omega_1|\vec{x}}, \prob{P}{\omega_2|\vec{x}}]$
Minimizing the Bayes error is the optimal strategy if we know the posterior exactly!

Decision boundary: 2 classes

kde decision boundary
In the general case we need to non-parametrically estimate the densities
$\prob{P$_{KDE}$}{\vec{x}} = \frac{1}{Nh^d} \sum_{n=1}^N \prob{K}{\frac{\vec{x} - \vec{x}^n}{h}}$, where $\prob{K}{\vec{x}} = (2\pi)^{-d/2}e^{-\frac{1}{2}\vec{x}^T\vec{x}}$
Decision boundary is sensitive to outliers!

Restricted Bayes optimal classifier

Definition: Given a joint distribution $\prob{P$_{KDE}$}{\vec{x}|C}$ and a set of classifiers $\cal H$, we say that $h^*$ is a restricted Bayes optimal classifier with respect to $\cal H$ and ${\rm P}_{KDE}$ is $h^* \in {\cal H}$ and for all $h\in {\cal H}$, $\prob{error}{h^*:{\rm P}_{KDE}} \le \prob{error}{h: {\rm P}_{KDE}}$

Restricted Decision boundary

kde tuning

Max-margin hyperplane is Bayes optimal

max margin

Max-margin Classifier

max margin

A Hyperplane

  • $r_{\color{red}{\vec{x}}} = \frac{|\vec{w}^T{\color{red} \vec{x}} + b|}{\|\vec{w}\|}$
  • $r_{\color{red}{\vec{x}}} = \frac{{\color{red}{y}}(\vec{w}^T{\color{red} \vec{x}} + b)}{\|\vec{w}\|}$

Decision "Surface"

decision line
$\underset{\vec{w},b}{\argmax} \{ \frac{1}{\|\vec{w}\|} \underset{i}{\min} \left[ y_i(\vec{w}^T\vec{x}_i+b)\right] \}$


The distance does not depend on $\|\vec{w}\|$
  • $r_i = \frac{y_i(\vec{w}^T{\vec{x}_i} + b)}{\|\vec{w}\|}$
  • Scaling by $k$
  • $\frac{y_i(k\vec{w}^T{\vec{x}_i} + kb)}{\|k\vec{w}\|} = \frac{k y_i(\vec{w}^T{\vec{x}_i} + b)}{k \|\vec{w}\|} = \frac{y_i(\vec{w}^T{\vec{x}_i} + b)}{\|\vec{w}\|}$
  • We are free to set $y_i(\vec{w}^T{\vec{x}_i} + b)$ to whatever we want!
  • Let's set it to $y_*(\vec{w}^T{\vec{x}_*} + b) = 1$ for the nearest point

Linear SVM Classifier

max margin
  • The gap is distance between parallel hyperplanes \begin{align} \vec{w}^T\vec{x} + b &= -1\\ \vec{w}^T\vec{x} + b &= 1\\ \end{align}
  • The gap is distance between parallel hyperplanes \begin{align} \vec{w}^T\vec{x} + (b + 1) &= 0\\ \vec{w}^T\vec{x} + (b - 1) &= 0\\ \end{align}
  • $D = |b_1 - b_2|/\|\vec{w}\|$
  • $D = 2/\|\vec{w}\|$
To maximize the gap, need to minimize $\|\vec{w}\|$ or equivalently $\frac{1}{2}\|\vec{w}\|^2$ ($\frac{1}{2}\vec{w}^T\vec{w}$)

Linear SVM Classifier

max margin
  • Instances must be correctly classified \begin{align} \vec{w}^T\vec{x}_i + b & \le -1 \mbox{ if } y_i = -1\\ \vec{w}^T\vec{x}_i + b & \ge +1 \mbox{ if } y_i = +1\\ \end{align}
  • Equivalently $y_i(\vec{w}^T\vec{x}_i + b) \ge 1$
Want to minimize $\frac{1}{2}\|\vec{w}\|^2$ subject to $y_i(\vec{w}^T\vec{x}_i + b) \ge 1$ for $i=1,\dots, N$
Classify new instance $\vec{x}$ as $f(\vec{x}) = \mbox{sign}(\vec{w}^T\vec{x} + b)$

Linear SVM: primal formulation

Minimize $\frac{1}{2}\|\vec{w}\|^2$ subject to $y_i(\vec{w}^T\vec{x}_i + b) - 1 \ge 0$ for $i=1,\dots, N$
  • Primal formulation of linear SVM
  • It is a convex quadratic programming (QP) optimization problem with $d$ variables and $N$ constraints
\begin{align} \underset{\vec{w} \in \RR^m}{\argmin} \vec{w}^T {\mathbf Q} \vec{w} & + \vec{w}^T\vec{c} + \epsilon \\ {\mathbf A}\vec{w} & \le \vec{b} \\ {\mathbf A} \in \RR^{n\times m}, \vec{w} & \in \RR^m, \vec{b}\in \RR^n\\ {\mathbf C}\vec{w} & = \vec{d} \\ {\mathbf C} \in \RR^{s\times m}, \vec{d} &\in \RR^s\\ \end{align}

Lagrange Duality

Joseph-Louis Lagrange

Lagrange Duality: general form

  • minimize $f(x)$
  • subject to
  • $c_1(x) \ge 0$
  • $\vdots$
  • $c_C(x) \ge 0$
  • $g_1(x) \le 0$
  • $\vdots$
  • $g_G(x) \le 0$
  • $h_1(x) = 0$
  • $\vdots$
  • $h_H(x) = 0$
  • minimize$_x$ and maximize$_{\alpha_i, \lambda_i, \mu_i}$ saddle point
  • \begin{align} \Lambda(x, \alpha, \lambda, \mu) & = f(x) - \sum_{i=1}^{C} \alpha_ic_i(x) \\ &+ \sum_{i=1}^{G} \lambda_i g_i(x) - \sum_{i=1}^{H} \mu_i h_i(x) \end{align}
  • subject to
  • $\alpha_i, \lambda_i, \mu_i \ge 0$
Necessary optimality conditions
$\frac{\partial\Lambda}{\partial x} = 0$; $\frac{\partial\Lambda}{\partial \alpha} = 0$; $\frac{\partial\Lambda}{\partial \lambda} = 0$; $\frac{\partial\Lambda}{\partial \mu} = 0$;

Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions


Interactive Demo

Lagrange Duality: example 1

$\min_x x^2$
s.t. $x \ge b$
$\min_x x^2$

x^2 $x^* = 0$
$\min_x x^2$
s.t. $x\ge -1$ x^2 $x^* = 0$
$\min_x x^2$
s.t. $x\ge 1$ x^2 $x^* = 1$

Lagrange Duality: example 1

$\min_x x^2$
s.t. $x \ge b$ or $x-b\ge 0$
Let's move the constraint to the objective Lagrangian
$L(x, \alpha) = x^2 - \alpha(x-b)$
s.t. $\alpha \ge 0$
Solve: $\min_x \max_{\alpha} L(x, \alpha)$
s.t. $\alpha \ge 0$

Lagrange Duality: example 1

Solve: $\min_x \max_{\alpha} L(x, \alpha)$
s.t. $\alpha \ge 0$

Lagrange Duality: example 2

Find the largest area rectangle inside an ellipse

rectangle 1
rectangle 2

Lagrange Duality: example 2

Find the largest area rectangle inside an ellipse

  • maximize the area $4xy$
  • subject to
  • $\frac{x^2}{a^2} + \frac{y^2}{b^2} \le 1$
Ellipse equation
$\frac{x^2}{a^2} + \frac{y^2}{b^2} = 1$
  • maximize
  • $\Lambda(x,y,\alpha) = 4xy - \alpha (\frac{x^2}{a^2} + \frac{y^2}{b^2} - 1)$
  • subject to
  • $\alpha \ge 0$
Let's solve it

Lagrange Duality: example 2

Find the largest area rectangle inside an ellipse

  • $\frac{\partial \Lambda}{\partial x} = 4y + \frac{2\alpha x}{a^2} = 0$
  • $\frac{\partial \Lambda}{\partial y} = 4x + \frac{2\alpha y}{b^2} = 0$
  • $\frac{\partial \Lambda}{\partial \alpha} = \frac{x^2}{a^2} + \frac{y^2}{b^2} - 1 = 0$
  • $x = \frac{a}{\sqrt{2}}$
  • $y = \frac{b}{\sqrt{2}}$
  • $\alpha = 2ab$

Lagrange Duality: example 2

Main point
Using Lagrangian multipliers and KKT conditions can convert a constrained problem into an unconstrained problem.

Dual formulation of SVM

Linear SVM: dual formulation

Minimize $\frac{1}{2}\|\vec{w}\|^2$ subject to $y_i(\vec{w}^T\vec{x}_i + b) - 1 \ge 0$ for $i=1,\dots, N$
  • Can be recast as a "dual formulation"
  • It is also a convex quadratic programming (QP) optimization problem with $N$ variables $(\alpha_i, i=1, \dots, N)$, where $N$ is the number of samples
  • Minimize $\Lambda(\vec{w}, b, \alpha) = \frac{1}{2}\|\vec{w}\|^2 - \sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i (y_i(\vec{w}^T\vec{x}_i + b) - 1)$
  • $\frac{\partial\Lambda(\vec{w}, b, \alpha)}{\partial \vec{w}} = \vec{w} - \sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i y_i\vec{x}_i = 0 \implies \vec{w} = \sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i y_i \vec{x}_i$
  • Maximize $\sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i,j=1}^N \alpha_i\alpha_j y_i y_j \vec{x}_i^T\vec{x}_j$ subject to $\alpha_i \ge 0$ and $\sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i y_i = 0$
  • Since $\vec{w} = \sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i y_i \vec{x}_i$
  • The final classifier is $f(\vec{x}) = \mbox{sign}(\sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i y_i \vec{x}_i\vec{x} + b)$

Linear SVM: problems and solutions

The data may not be linearly separable
  • $\phi(\vec{x})$: map the data into higher dimensions and hope for the best
  • Soft-margin: allow some error

Support Vector Machines

Max Margin Classifiers

  • Given two classes $A$ and $B$
    Data is a set of labeled examples $\{(\vec{x}_i,y_i)\}_{i=1}^N$
  • Bayesian Decision Boundary: Distributions are known \begin{align}\nonumber g(\vec{x}) = P(A|\vec{x}) - P(B|\vec{x}) =0 \end{align}
  • Maximum Margin Hyperplane: Only data is given

Mapping to Higher Dimensions

  • A two class problem:
    not separable by a line
  • Map each point into a higher dimensional space: \begin{align} \nonumber \vec{\eta}_i = \Phi(\vec{x}_i) \end{align}
  • Choose $\Phi$ so the data becomes linearly separable \begin{align} \nonumber \Phi(\vec{x}) = (x_1^2,\sqrt{2}x_1x_2,x_2^2) \end{align}

Kernel Trick

Appropriate mappings are hard to construct. What to do?
  • Dimensions can be many even $\infty$! Have to compute very expensive inner product?
  • Avoid it by defining Hilbert spaces with kernels (and Mercer's theorem) \begin{align}\nonumber \langle\Phi(\vec{x}),\Phi(\vec{y})\rangle &=& \vec{k}(\vec{x},\vec{y})\\ \nonumber (x_1^2,\sqrt{2}x_1x_2,x_2^2) (y_1^2,\sqrt{2}y_1y_2,y_2^2)^T &=& (\vec{x}\cdot\vec{y})^2 \\\nonumber x_1^2y_1^2 + 2x_1x_2y_1y_2 + x_2^2y_2^2 &=& (x_1y_1 + x_2y_2)^2 \end{align}
  • Take a linear algorithm, replace inner products with kernels and get a nonlinear algorithm as a result!

Kernel Trick for SVM

Maximize $\sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i,j=1}^N \alpha_i\alpha_j y_i y_j \vec{x}_i^T\vec{x}_j$
subject to $\alpha_i \ge 0$ and $\sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i y_i = 0$
The final classifier is $f(\vec{x}) = \mbox{sign}(\sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i y_i \vec{x}_i\vec{x} + b)$
Maximize $\sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i,j=1}^N \alpha_i\alpha_j y_i y_j K(\vec{x}_i,\vec{x}_j)$
subject to $\alpha_i \ge 0$ and $\sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i y_i = 0$
The final classifier is $f(\vec{x}) = \mbox{sign}(\sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i y_i K(\vec{x}_i, \vec{x}) + b)$
Maximize $\vec{\alpha}^T\vec{1} - \frac{1}{2} \vec{\alpha}^T\vec{y}^T{\bm G}\vec{y} \vec{\alpha}$
subject to $\vec{\alpha} \ge 0$ and $\vec{\alpha}^T \vec{y} = 0$

Mercer's theorem

$K(\vec{x}, \vec{y})$ is a kernel function iff it is symmetric (i.e. $K(\vec{x}, \vec{y}) = K(\vec{y}, \vec{x})$) and positive semidefinite (i.e. $\vec{x}^T{\bm G}\vec{x} \ge 0, \forall \vec{x} \in \RR^n$)
Creating kernels is an art but some generative rules can help
  1. An inner product is a kernel $K(\vec{x},\vec{y}) = \vec{x}^T\vec{y}$
  2. A constant is a kernel $K(\vec{x},\vec{y}) = 1$
  3. Kernel product is a kernel $K(\vec{x},\vec{y}) = K_1(\vec{x},\vec{y})K_2(\vec{x},\vec{y})$
  4. $\forall \psi: X \to \RR$ product of $\psi$ is a kernel $K(\vec{x},\vec{y}) = \psi(\vec{x})\psi(\vec{y})$
  5. Nonnegatively weighted linear combination of kernels is a kernel $K(\vec{x},\vec{y}) = \alpha_1K_1(\vec{x},\vec{y}) + \alpha_2K_2(\vec{x},\vec{y}), {\rm s.t. } \alpha_i \ge 0$
  6. and a few more

Kernels do not guarantee linear separabillity

Soft Margin SVM

Let's introduce slack variables $\xi_i \ge 0$ allowing mistakes
$y_i(\vec{w}^T\vec{x} + b) \ge 1 - \xi_i$ slack
Maximize $\vec{\alpha}^T\vec{1} - \frac{1}{2} \vec{\alpha}^T\vec{y}^T{\bm G}\vec{y} \vec{\alpha}$
subject to $C \ge \vec{\alpha} \ge 0$ and $\vec{\alpha}^T \vec{y} = 0$

Soft Margin SVM

soft margin
Changing the constraints: $y_i(\vec{w}^T\vec{x} + b) \ge 1 - \xi_i$
Modifies the primal problem: $C\sum_{i=1}^N \xi_i + \frac{1}{2}\|\vec{w}\|^2$

Take home points

  1. Quadratic programming with a single optimum (efficient)
  2. Sparse solutions based on supports
  3. Great generalization thanks to the max margin!
  1. Sensitive to noise and outliers in data
  2. Making or choosing kernel for the task is an art
  3. Dependence on soft-margin hyperparameter

Reading References

  1. Books:
    1. Bishop - Chapt. 7 (pg. 325-360)
    2. Shai - Chapt. 15 (pg. 201-220)
  2. SVM Notes
  3. Kernel Methods paper