# | date | topic | description |
1 | 22-Aug-2022 | Introduction | |
2 | 24-Aug-2022 | Foundations of learning | |
3 | 29-Aug-2022 | PAC learnability | |
4 | 31-Aug-2022 | Linear algebra (recap) | hw1 released |
05-Sep-2022 | Holiday | ||
5 | 07-Sep-2022 | Linear learning models | |
6 | 12-Sep-2022 | Principal Component Analysis | project ideas |
7 | 14-Sep-2022 | Curse of Dimensionality | hw1 due |
8 | 19-Sep-2022 | Bayesian Decision Theory | hw2 release |
9 | 21-Sep-2022 | Parameter estimation: MLE | |
10 | 26-Sep-2022 | Parameter estimation: MAP & NB | finalize teams |
11 | 28-Sep-2022 | Logistic Regression | |
12 | 03-Oct-2022 | Kernel Density Estimation | |
13 | 05-Oct-2022 | Support Vector Machines | hw3, hw2 due |
10-Oct-2022 | * Mid-point projects checkpoint | * | |
12-Oct-2022 | * Midterm: Semester Midpoint | exam | |
14 | 17-Oct-2022 | Matrix Factorization | |
15 | 19-Oct-2022 | Stochastic Gradient Descent |
# | date | topic | description |
16 | 24-Oct-2022 | k-means clustering | |
17 | 26-Oct-2022 | Expectation Maximization | hw4, hw3 due |
18 | 31-Oct-2022 | Automatic Differentiation | |
19 | 02-Nov-2022 | Nonlinear embedding approaches | |
20 | 07-Nov-2022 | Model comparison I | |
21 | 09-Nov-2022 | Model comparison II | hw5, hw4 due |
22 | 14-Nov-2022 | Model Calibration | |
23 | 16-Nov-2022 | Convolutional Neural Networks | |
21-Nov-2022 | Fall break | ||
23-Nov-2022 | Fall break | ||
24 | 28-Nov-2022 | Word Embedding | hw5 due |
30-Nov-2022 | Presentation and exam prep day | ||
02-Dec-2022 | * Project Final Presentations | * | |
07-Dec-2022 | * Project Final Presentations | * | |
12-Dec-2022 | * Final Exam | * | |
15-Dec-2022 | Grades due |
Follow the Bayesian way ...
Rather than estimating a single $\theta$, obtain a distribution over possible values of $\theta$
Uninformative priors:
Conjugate priors:
Bayes, Thomas (1763): An essay towards solving a problem in the doctrine of chances. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 53:370-418
Chain rule:
$\prob{P}{X,Y} = \prob{P}{X|Y}\prob{P}{Y} = \prob{P}{Y|X}\prob{P}{X}$
Bayes rule:
$\prob{P}{X|Y} = \frac{\prob{P}{Y|X}\prob{P}{X}}{\prob{P}{Y}}$
$ \prob{P}{\theta|{\cal D}} = \frac{\prob{P}{{\cal D}|\theta}\prob{P}{\theta}}{\prob{P}{\vec{{\cal D}}}} $
$ \prob{P}{\theta|{\cal D}} \propto \prob{P}{{\cal D}|\theta}\prob{P}{\theta} $
$ \mbox{posterior} \propto \mbox{likelihood}\times\mbox{prior} $
Maximum Likelihood estimation (MLE)
Choose value that maximizes the probability of observed data
$ \hat{\theta}_{MLE} = \underset{\theta}{\argmax} \prob{P}{{\cal D}|\theta} $
Maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation Choose value that is most probable given observed data and prior belief \begin{align} \hat{\theta}_{MAP} & = \underset{\theta}{\argmax} \prob{P}{\theta|{\cal D}}\\ & = \underset{\theta}{\argmax} \prob{P}{{\cal D}|\theta}\prob{P}{\theta} \end{align}
Coin flip problem: Binomial likelihood
$\prob{P}{{\cal D}|\theta} = {n \choose \alpha_H} \theta^{\alpha_H} (1-\theta)^{\alpha_T}$
If the prior is Beta distribution,
\begin{align} \prob{P}{\theta} &= \frac{1}{\prob{B}{\beta_H,\beta_T}} \theta^{\beta_H-1}(1-\theta)^{\beta_T-1} \sim \prob{Beta}{\beta_H,\beta_T}\\ \prob{B}{x,y} &= \int_0^1 t^{x-1}(1-t)^{y-1}dt = \frac{\Gamma(x)\Gamma(y)}{\Gamma(x+y)} \end{align}
posterior is Beta distribution
Binomial likelihood
$\prob{P}{{\cal D}|\theta} = {n \choose \alpha_H} \theta^{\alpha_H} (1-\theta)^{\alpha_T}$
Beta prior
$ \prob{P}{\theta} \sim \prob{Beta}{\beta_H,\beta_T} $
Beta posterior
$\prob{P}{\theta|{\cal D}} = \prob{Beta}{\beta_H+\alpha_H, \beta_T + \alpha_T}$
$\prob{P}{\theta}$ and $\prob{P}{\theta|{\cal D}}$ have the same form: Conjugate prior
As we get more samples, effect of prior “washes out”
Example: Dice roll problem (6 outcomes instead of 2)
$ \prob{P}{{\cal D}|\theta} = \theta^{\alpha_1}_1\theta^{\alpha_2}_2,\dots,\theta^{\alpha_k}_k $
$ \prob{P}{\theta} = \frac{\prod_{i=1}^k\theta_i^{\beta_i-1}}{\prob{B}{\beta_1, \beta_2, \dots, \beta_k}} $
\[ \prob{P}{\theta|{\cal D}} = \prob{Dirichlet}{\beta_1+\alpha_1, \dots, \beta_k+\alpha_k} \]
- Approximately 0.1% are infected
- Test detects all infections (no false negatives)
- Test reports positive for 1% of healthy
Use a follow-up test!
- Test 2 reports positive for 90% of infected
- Test 2 reports positive for 5% of healthy people
- Outcomes are not independent but test 1 and 2 are conditionally independent $\prob{P}{t_1,t_2|a} = \prob{P}{t_1|a} \prob{P}{t_2|a}$
Features $X_i$ and $X_j$ are conditionally independent given the class label $Y$
$\prob{P}{X_i,X_j|Y} = \prob{P}{X_i|Y}\prob{P}{X_j|Y}$
$\prob{P}{X_1,\dots, X_d|Y} = \prod_{i=1}^d \prob{P}{X_i|Y}$
How many parameters to estimate?$\mathbf{X}$ is a binary vector where each position encodes presence or absence of a feature. $\mathbf{Y}$ has K classes.
$(2^d - 1)K$ vs. $(2-1)dK$
- Class prior $\prob{P}{Y}$
- $d$ conditionally independent features $X_1, X_2, \dots, X_d$ given the class label $Y$
- For each $X_i$, we have the conditional likelihood $\prob{P}{X_i|Y}$
Decision rule: \begin{align} f_{NB}(\vec{x}) &= \underset{y}{\argmax} \prob{P}{x_1,\dots,x_d|y}\prob{P}{y} \\ &= \underset{y}{\argmax} \prod_{i=1}^d \prob{P}{x_i|y}\prob{P}{y}\\ \end{align}
$f_{NB}(\vec{x}) = \underset{y}{\argmax} \prod_{i=1}^d \prob{P}{x_i|y}\prob{P}{y}$
Estimate probabilities with relative frequencies!
- For class prior $\prob{P}{y} = \frac{\{\#j:y^j = y\}}{n}$
- For likelihood $\frac{\prob{P}{x_i,y}}{\prob{P}{y}} = \frac{\{\#j:\vec{x}_i^j = x_i, y^j=y\}/n}{\{\#j:y^j = y\}/n}$
- Fix max_len of an article and encode positions $\mathbf{X} = \{X_1, \dots, X_{1000}\}$
- $X_i$ is a word at $i^{th}$ position. $X_i \in \{0, \dots, D\}$, where $D$ is the size of the vocabulary (say 50,000 words).
- $\prob{P}{\mathbf{X}|Y}$ is large
- Need to estimate $K D^{1000} = K 50000^{1000}$ parameters
Naive Bayes to the rescue!
- $\prob{P}{X_i^j|y}$ probability of word $j$ at position $i$ for class $y$
- Need to estimate $DK1000 = 50000K1000$ parameters
Word order and positions do not matter! Only presence
- $D=2 \implies$ $X_i$ is binary again
- $\mathbf{X}$ is vocabulary-length (say 50000) binary vector.
- Need to estimate $DK50000 = 50000K$ parameters
Works really well in practice!
No word "Luxury", when $y = \mbox{NoSpam}$ in the dataset
$\prob{P}{\mbox{Luxury} = 1, \mbox{NoSpam}} = 0 \implies \prob{P}{\mbox{Luxury} = 1| \mbox{NoSpam}} = 0$
Character recognition: $\vec{x}_{ij}$ is intensity at pixel $(i,j)$
Gaussian Naïve Bayes
$\prob{P}{X_i = \vec{x}_i|Y = y_k} = \frac{1}{\sigma_{ik}\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{(\vec{x}_i - \mu_{ik})^2}{2\sigma_{ik^2}}}$Different mean and variance for each class $k$ and each pixel $i$.$^*$