Advanced Machine Learning

06: regression and PCA


# date topic description
1 22-Aug-2022 Introduction
2 24-Aug-2022 Foundations of learning
3 29-Aug-2022 PAC learnability
4 31-Aug-2022 Linear algebra (recap) hw1 released
05-Sep-2022 Holiday
5 07-Sep-2022 Linear learning models
6 12-Sep-2022 Principal Component Analysis project ideas
7 14-Sep-2022 Curse of Dimensionality hw1 due
8 19-Sep-2022 Bayesian Decision Theory hw2 release
9 21-Sep-2022 Parameter estimation: MLE
10 26-Sep-2022 Parameter estimation: MAP & NBfinalize teams
11 28-Sep-2022 Logistic Regression
12 03-Oct-2022 Kernel Density Estimation
13 05-Oct-2022 Support Vector Machines hw3, hw2 due
10-Oct-2022 * Mid-point projects checkpoint *
12-Oct-2022 * Midterm: Semester Midpoint exam
14 17-Oct-2022 Matrix Factorization
15 19-Oct-2022 Stochastic Gradient Descent
# date topic description
16 24-Oct-2022 k-means clustering
17 26-Oct-2022 Expectation Maximization hw4, hw3 due
18 31-Oct-2022 Automatic Differentiation
19 02-Nov-2022 Nonlinear embedding approaches
20 07-Nov-2022 Model comparison I
21 09-Nov-2022 Model comparison II hw5, hw4 due
22 14-Nov-2022 Model Calibration
23 16-Nov-2022 Convolutional Neural Networks
21-Nov-2022 Fall break
23-Nov-2022 Fall break
24 28-Nov-2022 Word Embedding hw5 due
30-Nov-2022 Presentation and exam prep day
02-Dec-2022 * Project Final Presentations *
07-Dec-2022 * Project Final Presentations *
12-Dec-2022 * Final Exam *
15-Dec-2022 Grades due

Outline for the lecture

  • Linear Regression
  • Linear Algebra Refresher
  • Spectral Theorem
  • Principal Component Analysis
  • Dimensionality Reduction Demo
Francis Galton
Carl Friedrich Gauss

Linear regression

Adrien-Marie Legendre

Least Mean Squares

lms poor

Linear Regression

$f(\vec{w}) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i}^{n} (\vec{w}^T\vec{x}_i - y_i)^2$
Let us write in matrix form:
$f(\vec{w}) =\frac{1}{n}(\bf{X}\vec{w} - \vec{y})^T(\bf{X}\vec{w} - \vec{y})$
$f(\vec{w}) =\frac{1}{n}(\vec{w}^T\bf{X}^T\bf{X}\vec{w} - 2\vec{w}^T\bf{X}^T\vec{y} + \vec{y}^T\vec{y})$
Dropping $\vec{y}$:
$f(\vec{w}) =\frac{1}{n}(\vec{w}^T\bf{X}^T\bf{X}\vec{w} - 2\vec{w}^T\bf{X}^T\vec{y})$
$\frac{\partial \vec{x}^T\bf{B}\vec{x}}{\partial \vec{x}} = (\bf{B} + \bf{B}^T)\vec{x}$
$\frac{\partial f(\vec{w})}{\partial \vec{w}} =\frac{2}{n}(\bf{X}^T\bf{X}\vec{w} - \bf{X}^T\vec{y})$

Minimizing LMS

$\frac{\partial f(\vec{w})}{\partial \vec{w}} =\frac{2}{n}(\bf{X}^T\bf{X}\vec{w} - \bf{X}^T\vec{y})$
$\frac{\partial f(\vec{w})}{\partial \vec{w}} = 0 $
$\bf{X}^T\bf{X}\vec{w} - \bf{X}^T\vec{y} = 0$
$\bf{X}^T\bf{X}\vec{w} = \bf{X}^T\vec{y}$
$\vec{w} = (\bf{X}^T\bf{X})^{-1}\bf{X}^T\vec{y}$
$\bf{X}^{\dagger} = (\bf{X}^T\bf{X})^{-1}\bf{X}^T$ - pseudoinverse
$\bf{X}^{\dagger} = \lim_{\epsilon \to 0}(\bf{X}^T\bf{X} + \epsilon\bf{I})^{-1}\bf{X}^T$ - always exists

Least Mean Squares regression

lms regression

Least Mean Squares single sample


Fitting data: which is correct?

fitting kinds
Everyone believes in the Gaussian law of errors. The experimentalists think it is a mathematical theorem, and the mathematicians think it is an established experimental fact.
-Henri Poincaré

Different ways to fit a line

noise plot
PCA gif

Linear Algebra Refresher

Inner product

Let ${\bf x} = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}1 & 2 & 3\end{array}\right]^{\rm T}$. The inner product of ${\bf x}$ with itself, or ${\bf x}^{T}{\bf x}$ is a scalar: $$ \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} 1 & 2 & 3 \end{array} \right] \left[ \begin{array}{c} 1\\ 2\\ 3 \end{array} \right] = 1 \cdot 1 + 2 \cdot 2 + 3 \cdot 3 = 14. $$

Outer product

The outer product of $\bf{x}$ with itself, or ${\bf x}{\bf x}^{\;{\rm T}}$ is a matrix: \[ \left[ \begin{array}{c} 1\\ 2\\ 3 \end{array} \right] \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} 1 & 2 & 3 \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} 1 & 2 & 3\\ 2 & 4 & 6\\ 3 & 6 & 9 \end{array} \right] \]
which was obtained as
\[ \left[ \begin{array}{c} 1\\ 2\\ 3 \end{array} \right] \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} 1 & 2 & 3 \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{c|c|c} 1\left[ \begin{array}{c} 1\\ 2\\ 3 \end{array} \right]& 2\left[ \begin{array}{c} 1\\ 2\\ 3 \end{array} \right]& 3\left[ \begin{array}{c} 1\\ 2\\ 3 \end{array} \right] \end{array} \right]. \]

Spectral Theorem

Change of basis

Consider a linear transform, ${\bf P}_{\cal B}$, and its inverse, ${\bf P}^{-1}_{\cal B}$, which map a vector back and forth between its representation in the standard basis and its representation in the basis, ${\cal B}$
$$ \begin{array}{ccc} & {\bf P}_{\cal B} & \\ \vec{u} & \stackrel{\longrightarrow}{\longleftarrow} & \left[\vec{u}\right]_{\cal B}\\ & {\bf P}^{-1}_{\cal B} & \end{array} $$

Which basis?

Let ${\cal B}$ consist of $N$ basis vectors, $\vec{b}_1 \dots \vec{b}_N$. Since $\left[{\bf u}\right]_{\cal B}$ is the representation of $\vec{u}$ in ${\cal B}$, it follows that
\[ \vec{u} = \left(\left[\vec{u}\right]_{\cal B}\right)_1 \vec{b}_1 + \left(\left[\vec{u}\right]_{\cal B}\right)_2 \vec{b}_2 + \dots \left(\left[\vec{u}\right]_{\cal B}\right)_N \vec{b}_N. \]

But that's a projection

\[ \vec{u} = \left(\left[\vec{u}\right]_{\cal B}\right)_1 \vec{b}_1 + \left(\left[\vec{u}\right]_{\cal B}\right)_2 \vec{b}_2 + \dots \left(\left[\vec{u}\right]_{\cal B}\right)_N \vec{b}_N \]
But this is just the matrix vector product $\vec{u} = {\bf B}\left[\vec{u}\right]_{\cal B}$
\[ {\bf B} = \left[\begin{array}{c|c|c|c}{\bf b}_1 & {\bf b}_2 & \dots & {\bf b}_N\end{array}\right] \]
$$ \begin{array}{ccc} & {\bf P}_{\cal B} & \\ \vec{u} & \stackrel{\longrightarrow}{\longleftarrow} & \left[\vec{u}\right]_{\cal B}\\ & {\bf P}^{-1}_{\cal B} & \end{array} $$
We see that

\[ \begin{array}{lcl } {\bf P}_{\cal B} &=& {\bf B}^{-1}\\ {\bf P}^{-1}_{\cal B} &=& {\bf B} \end{array} \]

Similarity Transforms

Consider a linear transformation represented in the standard basis by the matrix ${\bf A}$. We seek $\left[{\bf A}\right]_{\cal B}$, i.e., the representation of the corresponding linear transformation in the basis ${\cal B}$
\[ \begin{array}{ccc} \vec{u} & \stackrel{{\bf A}}{\longrightarrow} & {\bf A}\vec{u}\\ \uparrow {\bf B} & & \downarrow {\bf B}^{-1}\\ \left[\vec{u}\right]_{\cal B} & \stackrel{\left[{\bf A}\right]_{\cal B}\;\;\;}{\longrightarrow} & \left[{\bf A}\vec{u}\right]_{\cal B} \end{array} \]

Similarity Transforms

\[ \begin{array}{ccc} \vec{u} & \stackrel{{\bf A}}{\longrightarrow} & {\bf A}\vec{u}\\ \uparrow {\bf B} & & \downarrow {\bf B}^{-1}\\ \left[\vec{u}\right]_{\cal B} & \stackrel{\left[{\bf A}\right]_{\cal B}\;\;\;}{\longrightarrow} & \left[{\bf A}\vec{u}\right]_{\cal B} \end{array} \] The matrix we seek maps $\left[{\bf u}\right]_{\cal B}$ into $\left[{\bf A}{\bf u}\right]_{\cal B}$.
\[ \left[{\bf A}\right]_{\cal B} = {\bf B}^{-1}{\bf A}{\bf B}. \] ${\bf A}$ and $\left[{\bf A}\right]_{\cal B}$ are related by a similarity transform.

Basis of eigenvectors

Let ${\bf A}$ be a representation of a transform in the standard basis and let the columns of ${\bf X}$ be the eigenvectors of ${\bf A}$ (symmetric). Then ${\bf X}$ and ${\bf X}^{\rm T}={\bf X}^{-1}$ take us back and forth between the standard basis and ${\cal X}$:
\[ \begin{array}{ccc} & {\bf X}^{\rm T} & \\ {\bf u} & \stackrel{\longrightarrow}{\longleftarrow} & \left[{\bf u}\right]_{\cal X}\\ & {\bf X} & \end{array} \]

Diagonalization of Symmetric Matrices

The matrix we seek maps $\left[{\bf u}\right]_{\cal X}$ into $\left[{\bf A}{\bf u}\right]_{\cal X}$:
\[ \begin{array}{ccc} {\bf u} & \stackrel{{\bf A}}{\longrightarrow} & {\bf A}{\bf u}\\ \uparrow {\bf X} & & \downarrow {\bf X}^{\rm T}\\ \left[{\bf u}\right]_{\cal X} & \stackrel{\left[{\bf A}\right]_{\cal X}\;\;\;}{\longrightarrow} & \left[{\bf A}{\bf u}\right]_{\cal X} \end{array} \]
which is (from the diagram): \[ \Lambda = {\bf X}^{\rm T}{\bf A}{\bf X}. \] Note, $\Lambda$ is diagonal with $\Lambda_{ii}=\lambda_i$

Spectral Theorem for Symmetric Matrices

Any symmetric $N \times N$ matrix, ${\bf A}$, with $N$ distinct eigenvalues, can be factored as follows: \[ {\bf A} = {\bf X} \Lambda {\bf X}^{\rm T} \] where $\Lambda$ is $N \times N$ and diagonal, ${\bf X}$ and ${\bf X}^{\rm T}$ are $N \times N$ matrices, and the $i$-th column of ${\bf X}$ (equal to the $i$-th row of ${\bf X}^{\rm T}$) is an eigenvector of ${\bf A}$: \[ \lambda_i {\bf x}_i = {\bf A}{\bf x}_i \] with eigenvalue $\Lambda_{ii} = \lambda_i$.

Spectral Theorem (note)

Note that ${\bf x}_i$ is orthogonal to ${\bf x}_j$ when $i \neq j$: \[ \left({\bf X}{\bf X}^{\rm T}\right)_{ij} = \delta_{ij} = \left\{\begin{array}{ll}1 & {\rm if}\;\;i=j\\ 0 & {\rm otherwise.}\end{array} \right. \] In other words, ${\bf X}{\bf X}^{\rm T} = {\bf I}$. Consequently, \[ {\bf X}^{\rm T} = {\bf X}^{-1} \]

Spectral Theorem (cont.)

Let's rewrite ${\bf A} = {\bf X} \Lambda {\bf X}^{\rm T}$ using the definition of matrix product and the fact that $\Lambda$ is diagonal:
\begin{eqnarray*} \left({\bf A}\right)_{ij} & = & \sum_{k=1}^N \left({\bf X}\right)_{ik} \Lambda_{kk} \left({\bf X}^{\rm T}\right)_{kj} \end{eqnarray*}

Spectral Theorem (cont.)

Since ${\bf X} = \left[\begin{array}{c|c|c|c} {\bf x}_1 & {\bf x}_2 & \cdots & {\bf x}_N\end{array}\right]$ and $\Lambda_{kk} = \lambda_k$
\begin{eqnarray*} \left({\bf A}\right)_{ij} & = & \sum_{k=1}^N \left({\bf X}\right)_{ik} \Lambda_{kk} \left({\bf X}^{\rm T}\right)_{kj} \end{eqnarray*}
\begin{eqnarray*} \left({\bf A}\right)_{ij} & = & \sum_{k=1}^N \left({\bf x}_k\right)_i \lambda_k \left({\bf x}_k\right)_j = \sum_{k=1}^N \left(\lambda_k {\bf x}_k {\bf x}_k^{\rm T}\right)_{ij} \end{eqnarray*}
\begin{eqnarray*} {\bf A} & = & \sum_{k=1}^N \lambda_k {\bf x}_k {\bf x}_k^{\rm T},\text{ where } \lambda_k {\bf x}_k = {\bf A}{\bf x}_k \end{eqnarray*}

Spectral Theorem (cont.)

The spectral factorization of ${\bf A}$ is: \[ {\bf A} = \lambda_1 \vec{x}_1 \vec{x}^{\rm T}_1 + \lambda_2 \vec{x}_2 \vec{x}^{\rm T}_2 + \dots + \lambda_N \vec{x}_N \vec{x}^{\rm T}_N. \]
Note, each $\lambda_n {\bf x}_n {\bf x}^{\rm T}_n$ is a rank one matrix
Let ${\bf A}_i = \lambda_i \vec{x}_i \vec{x}^{\rm T}_i$. Now, because $\vec{x}^{\rm T}_i \vec{x}_i = 1$: \begin{eqnarray*} \lambda_i \vec{x}_i & = & \left(\lambda_i \vec{x}_i \vec{x}^{\rm T}_i \right)\vec{x}_i\\ & = & {\bf A}_i \vec{x}_i \end{eqnarray*} i.e., $\vec{x}_i$ is the only eigenvector of ${\bf A}_i$ and its only eigenvalue is $\lambda_i$.

Principal Component Analysis

Quadratic forms

Let $f({\bf x}) = {\bf x}^{\;{\rm T}}{\bf A}{\bf x}$ where ${\bf A}={\bf A}^{\rm T}$. In two-dimensions, we have \[ {\bf A} = \left[\begin{array}{cc} a & b\\ b & c \end{array}\right]\;\;\;{\rm and}\;\;\; {\bf x} = \left[\begin{array}{cc}x & y\end{array}\right]^{\rm T} \]
\[ {\bf A}{\bf x} = \left[\begin{array}{cc} a & b\\ b & c \end{array}\right] \left[\begin{array}{c} x\\ y \end{array}\right] = \left[\begin{array}{c} a x + b y\\ b x + c y \end{array}\right] \]
\[ {\bf x}^{\;{\rm T}}{\bf A}{\bf x} = \left[\begin{array}{cc} x & y \end{array}\right] \left[\begin{array}{c} a x + b y\\ b x + c y \end{array}\right] = a x^2 + 2 b x y + c y^2. \]

Quadratic forms

When ${\bf A}$ is positive definite, then \[ f({\bf x}) = {\bf x}^{\;{\rm T}}{\bf A}{\bf x} \] is a paraboloid and the level curves, \[ {\bf x}^{\;{\rm T}}{\bf A}{\bf x} = k \] are ellipses. A matrix is positive definite iff all of its eigenvalues are positive.


Let ${\bf A}=\left[\begin{array}{cc}5 & -2\\ -2 & 5\end{array}\right]$. Then ${\bf x}^{\;{\rm T}}A{\bf x}$ equals \[ 5 x^2 - 4xy + 5y^2 \]

Multivariate Gaussian Density

\[ G({\bf x}) = \frac{1}{(2\pi)^{K/2} |{\bf C}|^{1/2}} e^{-\frac{1}{2}{\bf x}^{\;{\rm T}} {\bf C}^{-1} {\bf x}} \]
$K$ is the number of dimensions and ${\bf C}$ is the $K \times K$ covariance matrix.

In the bivariate case
\[ {\bf C} = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} \sigma_{xx} & \sigma_{xy}\\ \sigma_{xy} & \sigma_{yy} \end{array} \right] \]

Note: If ${\bf C}$ is symmetric and positive definite, then ${\bf C}^{-1}$ is also symmetric and positive definite.

Covariance Matrix

An $N \times K$ matrix, $X$, where the $n$-th row is the $n$-th sample of a Gaussian distributed vector random variable, ${\bf x} = \left[x, y\right]^T$
For example, when $K=2$: \[ {\bf X} = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} x_1 & y_1\\ x_2 & y_2\\ \vdots & \vdots\\ x_N & y_N \end{array} \right] \]

Covariance Matrix

The sample mean of the $N$ samples is \[ {\bf \mu} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{n=1}^N {\bf x}_n. \] We will assume that ${\bf \mu} = \left[0, 0 \right]^{T}$. If this is false, we can always make it true by subtracting ${\bf \mu}$ from each of the samples prior to constructing ${\bf X}$.

Covariance Matrix

Observe that
\begin{eqnarray*} {\bf X}^{\rm T} {\bf X} & = & \sum_{n=1}^N {\bf x}_n {\bf x}_n^{\;{\rm T}} = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} x_1 x_1 & x_1 y_1\\ x_1 y_1 & y_1 y_1 \end{array} \right] + \cdots + \left[ \begin{array}{cc} x_N x_N & x_N y_N\\ x_N y_N & y_N y_N \end{array} \right] \end{eqnarray*}
Consequently $$ \frac{1}{N}{\bf X}^{\rm T} {\bf X} = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} \langle xx\rangle & \langle xy\rangle\\ \langle xy\rangle & \langle yy\rangle \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} \sigma_{xx} & \sigma_{xy}\\ \sigma_{xy} & \sigma_{yy} \end{array} \right] $$ where $\langle\cdot\rangle$ denotes expected value.

Isodensity Surfaces

The level surfaces of the multivariate Gaussian distribution, $G({\bf x})$, consist of those points where $G({\bf x})$ has constant value:
\[ G({\bf x}) = \frac{1}{(2\pi)^{K/2} |{\bf C}|^{1/2}} e^{-\frac{1}{2}{\bf x}^{\;{\rm T}} {\bf C}^{-1} {\bf x}} = P \]
It follows that the level surfaces are ellipsoids: \[ {\bf x}^{\;{\rm T}} {\bf C}^{-1} {\bf x} = -2\ln \left[(2\pi)^{K/2} |{\bf C}|^{1/2} P\right] \]

Principal Axes

Principal axes

Principal Axes Theorem

The principal axes of the ellipsoids forming the level surfaces of the multivariate Gaussian distribution are given by the eigenvectors of its covariance matrix: \[ \lambda_k {\bf w}_k = {\bf C} {\bf w}_k \] where $|\lambda_1| > |\lambda_2| > \cdots |\lambda_K|$

Diagonalizing the Covariance Matrix

Because the covariance matrix, ${\bf C}$, is real, symmetric, and of full rank, it has $K$ orthogonal eigenvectors. It therefore can be diagonalized as follows: \[ {\bf C} = {\bf W}{\bf D}{\bf W}^{\rm T} \] where the $k$-th column of ${\bf W}$ is the eigenvector of ${\bf C}$ with the $k$-th largest eigenvalue and ${\bf D}$ is diagonal, with the corresponding eigenvalues on the diagonal: \[ D_{kk} = \lambda_k. \]

The KL Transform

We can represent the samples of the Gaussian distributed vector random variable, ${\bf x}$, in the basis formed by the eigenvectors, ${\bf w}_k$, of its covariance matrix, ${\bf C}$. This change of basis is termed the Karhunen-Loeve or KL Transform: \[ {\bf u} = {\bf W}^{\rm T} {\bf x} \] where ${\bf u} =\left[u, v \right]^{\rm T}$ is the representation of ${\bf x} = \left[x, y\right]^{\rm T}$ in the basis formed by the ${\bf w}_k$.

The KL Transform

Question What is the distribution of the ${\bf u}$?
Answer It is the multivariate Gaussian with covariance matrix, ${\bf D}$: \[ \hat{G}({\bf u}) = \frac{1}{(2\pi)^{K/2} |{\bf D}|^{1/2}} e^{-\frac{1}{2}{\bf u}^{\;{\rm T}} {\bf D}^{-1} {\bf u}}. \]

The Bivariate Case

\[ {\bf D} = {\bf W}^{\rm T}{\bf C}{\bf W} = \left[\begin{array}{cc} \sigma_{uu} & 0\\ 0 & \sigma_{vv} \end{array}\right] \]
Since ${\bf D}$ is diagonal, \[ |{\bf D}| = \sigma_{uu}\sigma_{vv} \]
and ${\bf D}^{-1}$ has an especially simple form: \[ {\bf D}^{-1} = \left[\begin{array}{cc} 1/\sigma_{uu} & 0\\ 0 & 1/\sigma_{vv} \end{array}\right] \]

The Bivariate Case (cont.)

The Gaussian distribution with covariance $\left[\begin{array}{cc} \sigma_{uu} & 0\\ 0 & \sigma_{vv} \end{array}\right]$ is:
\begin{eqnarray*} \hat{G}(u,v) & = & \frac{1}{2\pi \sqrt{\sigma_{uu}\sigma_{vv}}} e^{-\frac{1}{2}(\frac{u^2}{\sigma_{uu}} + \frac{v^2}{\sigma_{vv}})} \end{eqnarray*}
Observe that $\hat{G}$ is separable:
\[ \hat{G}(u,v) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma_{uu}}}e^{-\frac{u^2}{2\sigma_{uu}}} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma_{vv}}}e^{-\frac{v^2}{2\sigma_{vv}}}. \]
Since the joint distribution of $u$ and $v$ can be expressed as the product of the distribution of $u$ and the distribution of $v$, we say that $u$ and $v$ are independent.
Knowing the value of $u$ tells you nothing about the value of $v$!

Dimensionality reduction