Advanced Machine Learning

05: Linear models


# date topic description
1 22-Aug-2022 Introduction
2 24-Aug-2022 Foundations of learning
3 29-Aug-2022 PAC learnability
4 31-Aug-2022 Linear algebra (recap) hw1 released
05-Sep-2022 Holiday
5 07-Sep-2022 Linear learning models
6 12-Sep-2022 Principal Component Analysis project ideas
7 14-Sep-2022 Curse of Dimensionality hw1 due
8 19-Sep-2022 Bayesian Decision Theory hw2 release
9 21-Sep-2022 Parameter estimation: MLE
10 26-Sep-2022 Parameter estimation: MAP & NBfinalize teams
11 28-Sep-2022 Logistic Regression
12 03-Oct-2022 Kernel Density Estimation
13 05-Oct-2022 Support Vector Machines hw3, hw2 due
10-Oct-2022 * Mid-point projects checkpoint *
12-Oct-2022 * Midterm: Semester Midpoint exam
14 17-Oct-2022 Matrix Factorization
15 19-Oct-2022 Stochastic Gradient Descent
# date topic description
16 24-Oct-2022 k-means clustering
17 26-Oct-2022 Expectation Maximization hw4, hw3 due
18 31-Oct-2022 Automatic Differentiation
19 02-Nov-2022 Nonlinear embedding approaches
20 07-Nov-2022 Model comparison I
21 09-Nov-2022 Model comparison II hw5, hw4 due
22 14-Nov-2022 Model Calibration
23 16-Nov-2022 Convolutional Neural Networks
21-Nov-2022 Fall break
23-Nov-2022 Fall break
24 28-Nov-2022 Word Embedding hw5 due
30-Nov-2022 Presentation and exam prep day
02-Dec-2022 * Project Final Presentations *
07-Dec-2022 * Project Final Presentations *
12-Dec-2022 * Final Exam *
15-Dec-2022 Grades due

Outline for the lecture

  • Linear decision boundary
  • Perceptron
  • Perceptron extensions
  • Non-separable case

Linear Decision Boundary

A Hyperplane


A Hyperplane


An example!


Solution region

solution region

Example: linear separability

separable and not


A Hyperplane

Santiago Ramón y Cajal
Ramon y Cajal

A Neuron


A Perceptron


Criterion (objective)

$$ J(\vec{w}) = -\sum_{\text{incorrect } i} l_i\vec{w}^Tx_i$$ $\vec{w}$ - parameters of our model (the perceptron)

Batch Perceptron

perceptron batch
${\cal Y}$ is the set of samples misclassified by $\vec{w}$

Stochastic Perceptron

perceptron stochastic

Stochastic Algorithm Convergence theorem

If the training samples are linearly separable then the sequence of weight vectors in line 4 of Algorithm 2 will terminate at a solution vector.
perceptron stochastic


Let us show that for any solution $\widetilde{\vec{w}}$ the following holds: $$\|\vec{w}_{k+1} - \widetilde{\vec{w}}\| \le \|\vec{w}_{k} - \widetilde{\vec{w}}\| $$
solution region

Proof (1/3)

$\vec{w}_{k+1} = \vec{w}_k + l_k \vec{x}_k$
$l_k \widetilde{\vec{w}}^T\vec{x}_k > 0$
$\vec{w}_{k+1} - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}} = (\vec{w}_k - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}) + l_k \vec{x}_k$
$\|\vec{w}_{k+1} - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2 = \|(\vec{w}_k - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}) + l_k \vec{x}_k\|^2$
$\|\vec{w}_{k+1} - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2 = \|\vec{w}_k - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2 + 2(\vec{w}_k - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}})^T\vec{x}_kl_k + \|l_k \vec{x}_k\|^2$
$\|\vec{w}_{k+1} - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2 = \|\vec{w}_k - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2 + 2\vec{w}_k^T\vec{x}_kl_k - 2\alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}^T\vec{x}_kl_k + \|l_k \vec{x}_k\|^2$
$\vec{w}_{k}^Tl_k \vec{x}_k \le 0$ since $\vec{x}_k$ was misclassified
$\|\vec{w}_{k+1} - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2 \le \|\vec{w}_k - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2 - 2 \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}^Tl_k \vec{x}_k + \|l_k \vec{x}_k\|^2$

Proof (2/3)

$\|\vec{w}_{k+1} - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2 \le \|\vec{w}_k - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2 - 2 \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}^Tl_k \vec{x}_k + \|l_k \vec{x}_k\|^2$
$\beta^2 = \underset{k}{\max}\|l_k \vec{x}_k\|^2 = \underset{k}{\max} \|\vec{x}_k\|^2$
$\gamma = \underset{k}{\min}\left[ \widetilde{\vec{w}}^T \vec{x}_kl_k\right] > 0$
$\|\vec{w}_{k+1} - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2 \le \|\vec{w}_k - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2 - 2 \alpha \gamma + \beta^2$
$\alpha = \frac{\beta^2}{\gamma}$
$\|\vec{w}_{k+1} - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2 \le \|\vec{w}_k - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2 - \beta^2$
The distance to solution is reduced by at least $\beta^2$ at each iteration.

Proof (3/3)

$\|\vec{w}_{k+1} - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2 \le \|\vec{w}_k - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2 - \beta^2$
The distance to solution is reduced by at least $\beta^2$ at each iteration.
After $k$ iterations:
$\|\vec{w}_{k+1} - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2 \le \|\vec{w}_1 - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2 - k\beta^2$
The distance cannot become negative, so no more than $k_0$ iterations:
$k_0 = \frac{\|\vec{w}_1 - \alpha \widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2}{\beta^2}$
Setting initial paramters to zero $\vec{w}_1 = \vec{0}$:
$k_0 = \frac{\alpha^2\|\widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2}{\beta^2} = \frac{\beta^2\|\widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2}{\gamma^2} = \frac{\underset{i}{\max} \|\vec{x}_i\|^2\|\widetilde{\vec{w}}\|^2}{\underset{i}{\min}\left[l_i\vec{x}_i^T\widetilde{\vec{w}}\right]}$

Perceptron Extensions


solution region
stochastic p

Perceptron with Margin

perceptron margin

Perceptron Relaxation

Define the loss as $$ J_r(\vec{w}) = \frac{1}{2} \underset{\text{incorrect}}{\sum} \frac{(\vec{w}^T\vec{x}l - b)^2}{\|l\vec{x}\|^2} $$
Then the gradient is $$ \nabla_{\vec{w}} J_r = \underset{\text{incorrect}}{\sum} \frac{\vec{w}^T\vec{x}l - b}{\|l\vec{x}\|^2}\vec{x}l $$

Perceptron Relaxation

perceptron relaxed

Perceptron Relaxation: interpretation

$$ r(k) = \frac{b - \vec{w}_k^T\vec{x}_kl_k}{\|\vec{x}_kl_k\|} $$
relaxation move

Non-separable case


Separable example


Multiple restarts


Non-separable example


AI winter


What we usually encounter

non separable

Criterion (objective/loss)

$$ J(\vec{w}) = -\sum_{\text{incorrect } i} l_i\vec{w}^T\vec{x}_i$$ $\vec{w}$ - parameters of our model (the perceptron) $$ J_{\text{MSE}}(\vec{w}) = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{\forall i} (\vec{w}^T\vec{x}_i - b_i)^2$$ $$ \nabla_{\vec{w}} J_{\text{MSE}} = \sum_{\forall i} (\vec{w}^T\vec{x}_i - b_i)\vec{x}_i$$

Least Mean Squares


Least Mean Squares

lms poor