Advanced Machine Learning

02: foundations

Outline for the lecture

  • Problem statement
  • Inductive bias
  • Bound for the probability of error

Problem Statement



  • Domain Set ${\cal X}$ (all papayas)
  • Label set ${\cal Y}$
  • Training data
      $S = ((x_1,y_1)\dots (x_m, y_m))$.
      Sequence of pairs in $\cal{X}\times\cal{Y}$
  • The learner's output
      $h: \cal{X} \rightarrow \cal{Y}$
  • A (simple) data-generation model
    • $\cal{D}$ - distribution of papayas
    • $f: \cal{X} \rightarrow \cal{Y}$ - true labeling function
    • $y_i = f(x_i) \forall i$

Measure of success: true loss

for $A \subset \cal{X}$, ${\cal D}(A)$ is how likely to observe $x\in A$
$A$ is an event expressed as $\pi:{\cal X}\rightarrow \{0,1\}$
$A = \{x\in {\cal X}: \pi(x) = 1\}$
then $\mathbb{P}_{x \sim {\cal D}}[\pi(x)]$ expresses ${\cal D}(A)$
$L_{({\cal D},f)}(h) \stackrel{\text{def}}{=}\mathbb{P}_{x \sim {\cal D}}[h(x) \ne f(x)]$
generalization error, the risk, the true error of $h$, or loss!

Measure of success: empirical loss

  • Training set $S\sim {\cal D}$
  • Expected predictor $h_s: \cal{X} \rightarrow \cal{Y}$
  • Find $h_S$ that minimizes a loss with respect to unknown ${\cal D}$ and $f$
$L_{S}(h) \stackrel{\text{def}}{=} \frac{\mid\{i\in\{1,\dots,m\}:h(x_i) \ne y_i\}\mid}{m}$
Empirical Risk Minimization

What can go wrong?


$h_S(x) = \begin{cases} y_i & \text{if } \exists i \in \{1,\dots,m\} s.t. x_i=x\\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $
$L_{S}(h_S) = 0$ yet $L_{\cal D}(h_S) = 1/2$

Inductive bias

Bait shyness

Pigeon superstition

B. F. Skinner conditions a pigeon

What about rat superstition and conditioning?


What can we do in our case?

  • Search over a restricted search space.
    • Choose hypothesis class ${\cal H}$ in advance
    • $\forall h\in {\cal H}, h: \cal{X} \rightarrow \cal{Y}$

Inductive bias

$\text{ERM}_{\cal H}(S) \stackrel{\text{def}}{=} \underset{h\in{\cal H}}{\argmin}L_S(h)$
bias the learner to a particular set of predictors

Other inductive biasi

  • Maximum conditional independence
    cast in a Bayesian framework, try to maximize conditional independence (Naive Bayes)
  • Minimum cross-validation error
  • Maximum margin
  • Minimum description length
  • Minimum features
  • Nearest neighbors

Finite Hypothesis Classes

$h_S \in \underset{h\in{\cal H}}{\argmin}L_S(h)$

Bound the probability of error


The Realizability Assumption: There exists $h^* \in {\cal H} s.t. L_{{\cal D}, f}(h^*)=0$. This implies: with probability 1 over random samples $S\sim {\cal D}$ labeled by $f$, we have $L_S(h^*)=0$
The i.i.d. Assumption: Samples in the training set are independent and identically distributed. Denoted as $S\sim {\cal D}^m$

Confidence and accuracy

The risk $L_{({\cal D},f)}(h_S)$ depends on the randomly picked training set $S$. We say, the risk is a random variable.
Some training sets $S$ can be really bad! Denote the probability of getting a nonrepresentative sample by $\delta$
Let's call $(1-\delta)$ - confidence parameter
Can't hope to always have perfect loss $L_{({\cal D}, f)}=0$. Let's introduce the accuracy parameter $\epsilon$.
Failure is when $L_{({\cal D}, f)}>\epsilon$
Success is when $L_{({\cal D}, f)}\le \epsilon$

What is the probability of a bad sample that fails the learner?

$S\mid_x = (x_1, x_2, \dots, x_m)$ - instances of the training set

We want to upperbound ${\cal D}^m(\{S\mid_x : L_{({\cal D}, f)}(h_S) > \epsilon\})$

The set of "bad" hypotheses ${\cal H}_B = \{h\in {\cal H} : L_{({\cal D}, f)}(h) > \epsilon\})$

Set of misleading samples $M = \{S\mid_x : \exists h \in {\cal H}_B, L_S(h)=0\}$

But remember our assumption?

The Realizability Assumption: There exists $h^* \in {\cal H} s.t. L_{{\cal D}, f}(h^*)=0$. This implies: with probability 1 over random samples $S\sim {\cal D}$ labeled by $f$, we have $L_S(h^*)=0$
Means $L_S(h_S) = 0$, where $h_S \in \underset{h\in{\cal H}}{\argmin}L_S(h)$. Hence $L_{({\cal D}, f)}(h_S) > \epsilon$ can only happen if for some $h\in {\cal H}_B$, $L_S(h)=0$
follows $\{S\mid_x : L_{({\cal D}, f)}(h_S) > \epsilon \} \subseteq M$
We want to upperbound ${\cal D}^m(\{S\mid_x : L_{({\cal D}, f)}(h_S) > \epsilon\})$
$\{S\mid_x : L_{({\cal D}, f)}(h_S) > \epsilon \} \subseteq M$
rewrite set of misleading samples $M = \{S\mid_x : \exists h \in {\cal H}_B, L_S(h)=0\}$
as $M = \underset{h\in {\cal H}_B}\bigcup \{S\mid_x : L_{S}(h) = 0 \}$
${\cal D}^m(\{S\mid_x : L_{({\cal D}, f)}(h_S) > \epsilon\}) \le {\cal D}^m(M)$
${\cal D}^m(M) = {\cal D}^m(\underset{h\in {\cal H}_B}\bigcup \{S\mid_x : L_{S}(h) = 0 \})$

Confidence and accuracy

Union Bound: For any two sets $A$, $B$ and a distribution $\cal D$ we have ${\cal D}(A\cup B) \le {\cal D}(A) + {\cal D}(B)$
${\cal D}^m(\{S\mid_x : L_{({\cal D}, f)}(h_S) > \epsilon\}) \le {\cal D}^m(\underset{h\in {\cal H}_B}\bigcup \{S\mid_x : L_{S}(h) = 0 \})$
$\le \sum_{h\in {\cal H}_B}{\cal D}^m(\{S\mid_x : L_{S}(h) = 0 \})$
let's put a bound on each summand separately

Confidence and accuracy

Let's put a bound on each summand separately
${\cal D}^m(\{S\mid_x : L_{S}(h) = 0 \}) = $
${\cal D}^m(\{S\mid_x : \forall i, h(x_i) = f(x_i) \})$
$= \prod_{i=1}^m {\cal D}(\{x_i: h(x_i) = f(x_i)\})$
remember we are only considering bad hypotheses
$h\in{\cal H}_B = \{h\in {\cal H} : L_{({\cal D}, f)}(h) > \epsilon\}$
${\cal D}(\{x_i: h(x_i) = f(x_i)\}) = 1 - L_{({\cal D}, f)}(h) \le 1-\epsilon$
using $1-\epsilon \le e^{-\epsilon}$
${\cal D}^m(\{S\mid_x : L_{S}(h) = 0 \}) \le (1-\epsilon)^m \le e^{-\epsilon m}$

the final bound

  • ${\cal D}^m(\{S\mid_x : L_{S}(h) = 0 \}) \le e^{-\epsilon m}$
  • ${\cal D}^m(\{S\mid_x : L_{({\cal D}, f)}(h_S) > \epsilon\}) \le \sum_{h\in {\cal H}_B}{\cal D}^m(\{S\mid_x : L_{S}(h) = 0 \})$
  • $\sum_{h\in {\cal H}_B}{\cal D}^m(\{S\mid_x : L_{S}(h) = 0 \}) \le \mbox{ ?}$
  • $\sum_{h\in {\cal H}_B}{\cal D}^m(\{S\mid_x : L_{S}(h) = 0 \}) \le |{\cal H}_B|e^{-\epsilon m}$
  • $|{\cal H}_B|e^{-\epsilon m}\le |{\cal H}|e^{-\epsilon m}$
  • ${\cal D}^m(\{S\mid_x : L_{({\cal D}, f)}(h_S) > \epsilon\}) \le \sum_{h\in {\cal H}_B}{\cal D}^m(\{S\mid_x : L_{S}(h) = 0 \})$
  • ${\cal D}^m(\{S\mid_x : L_{({\cal D}, f)}(h_S) > \epsilon\}) \le |{\cal H}|e^{-\epsilon m}$