brain imaging for brain
disorder understanding
lets collect more data at the finest resolution
high dimensional data is not
easy to see through
Desired Solution
automatically extract
meaning from data
What is machine learning?
What is learning?
Learning is acquiring new, or modifying
existing, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values,
or preferences and may involve synthesizing
different types of information. The ability to
learn is possessed by humans and animals.
Machine Learning
Arthur Samuel (1959). Machine
Learning: Field of study that gives
computers the ability to learn without
being clearly programmed
Machine Learning
Tom Mitchell (1998) Well-posed
Learning Problem: A computer program
is said to learn from experience E
with respect to some task T and some
performance measure P, if its
performance on T, as measured by P,
improves with experience E.
ML as a Scientific Discipline
ML combines
Discrete Mathematics
Linear Algebra
Optimization Theory
ML draws from
Artificial Intelligence
Bayesian Methods
Computational Complexity
Optimization Theory
Information theory
Psychology and neurobiology
Learning tasks
Dimensionality reduction
Manifold learning
Causal Learning
Learning Scenarios
Supervised learning
Semi-supervised learning
Active learning
Online learning
Unsupervised learning
Reinforcement learning!
history of ML
extremely brief and biased
How did we get to this point?
Marvin Minsky (MIT, Turing Award 1969) hired a
first year undergraduate student and assigned
him a problem to solve over the summer: connect
a camera to a computer and get the machine to
describe what it sees.
ImageNet Challenge
14,192,122 million images, 21841 thousand categories
Image found via web searches for WordNet noun synsets
Hand verified using Mechanical Turk
Bounding boxes for query object labeled
New data for validation and testing each year
50 years later
Perceptron 1958
Stacked perceptrons
Deep Neural Net
Convolutional Neural Network
Recurrent Neural Network
Supervised learning
$(x_i, y_i)$
Reinforcement learning
Reinforcement Learning on Atari
DQN on Atari
Results DQN on Atari (2015)
Course Overview
What we'll cover
Basics of Learning Theory
Most important (or more advanced) algorithms
Sprinkled with what the field recently learned on top of the "classical"
SGD is too powerful to ignore
Local minima are not as bad
Bias-variance trade off is an
incomplete story
Reinforcement learning is not dead
Grade Split
25% - Homework
25% - Midterm exam
25% - Final exam
25% - Project
Relative Ranking
Send me your private nicknames ASAP if you have not done so
Ability to program in your
favorite language
Ability to program in python
Basic knowledge of calculus,
linear algebra, optimization theory,
probability, and statistics
"Understanding Machine Learning" Shai
Shalev-Shwartz and Shai Ben-David
"Pattern Recognition and ML" C. M. Bishop
"Deep Learning" I. Goodfellow,
Y. Bengio, A. Courville
"Information Theory, Inference and
Learning Algorithms" David MacKay
"Data Science for Business"
The Project!
Lean startup
Anatomy of the project
Submit project ideas each (deadline September 11th)
Form teams (4-6 people each team) (deadline September 25th)
Present your team, your problem, and your idea how to solve it (October 9th)
Submit a report (a paper NeurIPS style) (deadline December 5th)
Present the project to the class (either 27th or 29th of November)
The project is complete if by December 5th deadline you submit:
NeurIPS style formatted report
Link to github with the code
Slides of the final presentation
Bonus points:
A link to a kanban board with all tasks and people who completed them
Kaggle leaderboard of a competition you were a part of for this project
State of the art result possibly fit for NeurIPS (prize: help with the paper submission)